52 Shelties Being Ridiculous

By Becky Casale | Sheltie Planet | The Complete Guide to Shelties | Mindful Shelties Coloring | This site earns commissions from qualifying purchases.

Funny Sheltie dog sleeping awkwardly on the floor

Piper is comfortable.

Have you ever seen a giant ball of fluff dart around the living room seventeen times, roll on his back, waggle all four limbs in the air, then flop back over with long ear-fur dangling over his face as he grins at you with sparkling eyes? If not, you've never met a Sheltie.

Shelties are a hilarious and quirky dog breed. So I decided to ask our readers about the most ridiculous thing their Sheltie did recently. This is what came back...

"He sneezes so much when he gets excited that he hit his nose on the floor." - Stephanie Pocius

"He stands on his hind legs and puts his arms on my shoulders like a hug." - Kelsey Scharf

"My youngest Sheltie stole my cupcake right off the table and ate all of it... including the wrapper." - Debra Rounds

"He knows how to press the enter key with his nose to start iTunes." - Paul Veverka

"Spanky doesn't like to be alone, so when I took too long in the bathroom the other day, he decided to put a paw under the door to let me know he was there." - Lisa Sturgis Hunter

"We had a racoon a few months ago. Now, whenever my Sheltie goes out the back door, she growls the entire trip down the steps sniffing the air. I don't know what she would do if she actually caught up with him! She also knows the word "squirrel". So whenever I say "Where's the squirrel?" she runs to the closest door and growls." - Joe Lopchinsk

"He keeps running into everything with his cone around his head from his surgery." - Caleb Wilson

"While I was on the computer, she crawled on my lap and put her face on mine to make me pay attention to her." - Adrienne Daly

"He keeps telling me "I love you" as I was eating chips, hoping he would get some too." - Filipa Vuletic

"She moves her mouth like she's talking, especially if I offer her a Cheeto." - Robert J Kowal

"She chases her tail!" - Heather Galloway

Two funny Shelties laying on the bed

Check out the bed hair.

"My youngest likes to play hide-and-go-seek. She hides behind the curtains and sticks her nose out from underneath. It's too darn cute!" - Jason Henry

"My Sheltie winked at me." - Julia Paszek-Morris

"My Sheltie played with a sock... running away from it, then coming back and pouncing on it, then running away again like it was chasing him!" - Amanda Casto

"My littlest Sheltie is starting to howl like a baby wolf." - Debora Toro Osh

"Charlie thought he could catch a kangaroo! Do you know how big they are?!" - Michelle Heins

"My boy "fake sneezes" every time I spray Febreeze. He is so silly then he puts his paws over the edge of his nose and looks up at me." - Brenda Van Vorst Green

"My Sheltie, Keeli, has made it a habit to snuggle with me and a blanket on the couch every evening. If I take to long to pull the blanket up, she will lay on the floor right in front of me for however long it takes for me to get the message that she's ready to snuggle." - Dawn Boyd-Twenge

Sheltie and man sitting at computer desk being funny

Work is hard... let's hug.

"My Sheltie wrestles with my cat." - Leanne Beck

"My Sheltie barks at the cat and makes much bigger dogs run away!" - Kason Fuller

"I watched him falling asleep, head nod and all." - Lisa Humphreys

"When my boy, Loki, wants to play with his Corgi sister, he takes his favorite squeaky toy and squeaks it ON TOP of her head." - Melissa Asony

"I can't even pinpoint this! My Sheltie is funny, cute, hilarious, and over-the-top constantly thru my day. He makes me smile, laugh, and warms my heart at every moment. He is me and my husband's only child." - Cassandra Dawn

"When my 4-year-old son hurt his finger and started crying really bad, our Sheltie Ciccio came over to lick his hands. A very sensitive dog." - Suwan Mak-Mancuso

"My Sheltie takes me to the bathroom!" - Debby Swansbro Holycross

Close up of Sheltie dog face

Piper getting all up in the camera.

"My Bela (a former puppy mill mama) who hasn't "spoken" for eight months did a play bow and barked for the first time yesterday!" - Jaynie Nowell-Snoke

"My Charlie brings me random items like socks and shirts to play with. It's adorable." - Stephanie Rondon

"My puppies like to stick their noses into the opening of a sock and try to bite it from the inside. They also like to get the sock onto their noses and then they prance around like they are so proud of themselves." - Tracey Dery

"My Sheltie, Jags, makes it into the bathroom before me so I am not allowed privacy. And the sock game must be a Sheltie thing because my boy loves to hide his nose too." - Brenda Van Vorst Green

"It's in the eyes. What he says with his eyes. He talks with them. I love my Sheltie and my Boston Terrier." - Gail Adie

"Maci has dinner with us every Saturday night. She has her own seat at the family dinner table and gets her own filet mignon all cut up, a baked potato, and usually a little asparagus. She only takes one bite at a time when she's told to and graces us with her presence throughout the entire meal. She is an absolute joy!" - Anne Pelnar

Sheltie puppy chewing up newspaper and making a mess

Howard chewed anything he could get his teeth into when he was a puppy.

"My girl Ada hunts for grasshoppers in the yard. Yesterday she did it in the rain. It's too cute!" - Lise G Shanks

"My Maggie plays tag with my nieces and nephews, chasing them around the kitchen and family rooms." - Kristie Johnson

"My Jordi loves to run after his ball while my other Sheltie, Masie, chases him." - Melinda Cannon

"My Sheltie puts his toys back in his basket, which has his name embroidered on the basket liner. So when I say "clean up your toys", he does!" - Eric Ango Marks

"Our Sheltie, Kenna, has her own soft toys but loves to steal the children's toys as well. She doesn't chew them, just arranges them neatly on my bed. Yesterday I caught her with Cody's favourite teddy in her mouth. My arms were full and I simply said: "That's not your toy - that's Cody's" and she walked back into the boys' bedroom and put the teddy neatly back on Cody's pillow!" - Anne Morrison Jordan

Sheltie dogs playing at the beach in New Zealand

Mid-zoomies on the beach, pausing to bite each others' necks.

"My Buddy herds me to the food closet every evening for his dinner. However, since the clocks went back, he's now an hour early!" - Deb 'n Phil Cypert

"Everything he's done recently was the funniest and cutest thing I've ever seen." - Ted Buffington

"My 3-month-old Sheltie stared at my glass of milk for 10 minutes straight without moving." - Scott Voges

"I sometimes let go of the leash on Boomer while he runs around the yard. When he gets close to me, he grabs the end of the leash in his mouth and runs away so I can't get it back. He is sooo smart!" - Gail Earwood

"I am using a walker after a recent surgery. My 14-year-old Sheltie gives me such a gentle and sympathetic look as I roll by. Ans my 5-year-old Sheltie snuggles with me more now I'm injured." - Lisa Blank Compo

"He has been chasing a fly around the house for two days snapping at it with his jaws. Sometimes all I have to say is "the fly is back" and he jumps up looking for it!" - Bill Caine

Sheltie puppy chewing on plush dog toy

Little puppy Howard chomping on his dog toy.

"She does this thing I call the "kick routine". All of a sudden she's on her back kicking her legs in the air and barking lightly as she kicks. She is just having a blast!" - Amberly Nesbitt

"My Sheltie, Shannon, passed away many years ago but I still remember his little quirks like they happened yesterday. He loved to bark, as most Shelties do, and he had a very loud bark. So we taught him a trick to "whisper" when he was in the house. We'd put our finger to our lips and say "shhh whisper Shannon, use your inside voice." And he'd do his own little whisper voice..." - Kristy Brown

"I love it when my Shelties make little woof sounds in their sleep. It's adorable. They also know when it is time to wake my boys up in the morning and jump on the bed and lick them. Leia also barks at thunder. It's like she runs outside and demands Thor come out and fight her. It's hilarious!" - Natalie Marie Bobsein

"Our Jake has to be in the middle, whether that be on the bed, the sofa, or the floor. The other morning I was in bed with our cat, Tallulah, just chillin when Jake jumped up and got in the middle. But even that wasn't enough for him, so he leaned over and laid on the poor kitty!" - Brenda Rodriguez-Pace

"My Sheltie gets jealous when anyone else hugs me." - Marianne Hart

Cute Sheltie dog singing at the beach

Piper pauses to give us a song at the beach.

"Dakota will jump in the yard and at the park with ease but won't jump into the car. I have to lift his lazy butt onto the seat." - Linda Chybowski-Finnegan

"Diesel, our youngest, blows bubbles in his water bowl!" - Jurgen Hirzel

"After Maya eats dinner, she always goes outside, then rushes back in to rub against the furniture." - Estella Guerrero

"My Sheltie puppy, Bella, hangs on her mother's tail while she chases my Standard Poodle around the yard. Poor mom doesn't have much tail hair left!" - Christel Gezels

"My Sheltie, Lassie, nudges and lifts my whole arm up with her nose for a cuddle." - Julie Woolerson