Sheltie puppies are adorable. With their floppy ears, almond eyes, and silky soft fur, Shetland Sheepdog puppies know how to be cute on demand. Here are 101 pictures of Sheltie puppies sent in by our readers. Get ready for puppy overload—we're talking cute, playful, curious, sleepy, bashful... oh wait, now I'm just naming dwarves.

1. Link is a sable Sheltie puppy, seen here doing some light gardening. He also enjoys romantic comedies and long walks on the beach.

2. Saxon wants to come inside. He promises he's wiped his paws and definitely won't have a scruff on the couch in the next ten seconds.

3. Dice is an 8-week-old tri-color Sheltie puppy. He's already a Grand Master chess player, and is seen here contemplating his next move.

4. Wendy is a Blue Merle Sheltie meeting her new human for the very first time.

5. Buddy is a proud 12-week-old Sheltie puppy who wants to know if you have any treats, and if so, when will they be in his tiny puppy stomach?

6. Frankie is feeling forlorn. What happened to second breakfast?

7. Zoe is 7 weeks old, seen here looking deliberately innocent on her first car ride home.

8. Angel is about to discover her new home and christen it with her unique puppy scent.

9. One of life's greatest pleasures is having a teeny Sheltie puppy sleep on your lap.

10. Bailey is beautiful at 10 weeks old, seen here pretending she's a garden gnome.

11. Coco is a blue merle Sheltie puppy who possesses the power of magic. Be warned!

12. Mosby at 12 weeks old, clutching his human for the ultimate puppy comfort.

13. Jake is a tiny Sheltie with a big spirit. Check out the lion stance.

14. This Sheltie puppy is microscopic. She's actually sitting on a pebble.

15. Apache, a Mini Aussie, and Merlin, a Sheltie, are simply hanging out on the stairs. They are in no way trying to stop you finding the poop at the top.

16. When you have a Sheltie puppy this wee, it's only natural to swaddle her and rock her to sleep.

17. A whole litter of Sheltie puppies. Sable and Tri Colors can appear in the same litter when you have one of each parent.

18. Deacon Blue is a rapscallion of the highest order. Just look at those ears.

19. Gypsy just had a dream that she was a cat. It was most unsettling. Thankfully, she woke up and the world was right again.

20. Dixie has the floppy ears down to a tee, seen here pretending to be a computer mouse.

21. Daisy is a stunning blue merle, evolved to camouflage perfectly among Dalmatians, pandas, and skunks.

22. Copper demands that you squish his little belly. Go on, it's brilliant.

23. On her first day home, this female Sheltie puppy is still finding her feet. There they are, look, right there!

24. Fidji at 8 weeks old. Fun fact: sometimes breeders tip and brace the ears like this to conform to show dog standards. (It doesn't hurt them.)

25. Gunner is tiny at 7 weeks old, and demands to be picked up and hugged or he will nibble your toes off.

26. Nikki Lam, working on her spreadeagle, because when summertime comes the cool floor will feel amazing on her belly.

27. Eleus (aka Ellie) receiving attention from one of those miniature humans who seem so very playful.

28. Cas is smiling, perhaps at a passing bee, which looks extremely tasty. This can't be a bad idea, can it?

29. Odin is running for president, with some fantastic animal welfare policies. He's got my vote.

30. Buddy is pointing at you with four paws, nose, and tail. In dog language, this means love.

31. Molly is a 3-month-old Sheltie puppy. Her exceptional hearing means she will always protect you from wolves, mailmen, and cats.

32. Bridget is discovering the world at human eye-level. Pretty different up here, no?

33. TaKoda is an 11-week-old tri-color Sheltie, seen here loaded with static electricity.

34. Lady is happy because she found your shoes for you, and they smell delightful.

35. Jack and Pete at 10 weeks old, having a vigorous intellectual debate about who owns this stick.

36. Koda is comfortable. Studies show that staring at this picture for thirty seconds will infuse your soul with bliss.

37. Rilli wants to be with you every moment of every day, and then in your dreams, too.

38. Kona and Maui, two very young Sheltie puppies, putting their puppy teeth to good use. Fun fact: puppy teeth fall out, just like baby teeth.

39. Angelica, a proud new mom, watching over her male Sheltie puppies, Kona and Maui.

40. Woody dreams of being a super model, and with that pose, has a dazzling career on the dogwalk ahead of him.

41. Woody got bigger! Here he is at 12 weeks, strutting on his own homemade runway.

42. Bandit Bo, a gorgeous 8-week-old Sheltie puppy, with the neatest paws you have ever seen.

43. Kefir demonstrating that a puppy and a beanbag equals endless fun.

44. Mocha is wee! When you're this small, every crevice is an opportunity.

45. This little Sheltie puppy can be seen hunkering under her human for protection on her first day home.

46. Lucy is the epitome of cuteness, seen here projecting maximum fluff value.

47. Zylie and Jobi are having a much needed rest after seventy laps around the yard.

48. Cadence says: "Alert! I heard a thing! What is that thing? Will it eat me? Will I eat it? What is the meaning of this?!"

49. Tako on his first ride home, discovering the benefits of a human pillow.

50. Rupert is a 5-week-old whippersnapper, seen here attempting to wriggle through the screen and lick you.

51. Rupert grew up! And he's wondering where all the furniture went. Did he eat it? He doesn't remember eating it, but it is a possibility.

52. Tilly is taking a road trip with her good friend, Boris the dog chew. Boris thoroughly enjoys their time together, except for all the gnawing.

53. Stanis is an aspiring method actor, who only takes roles on dog food commercials.

54. Meg living it up in 2008, lip-syncing to Cher. The sparkles are real.

55. Frosya at 2 months old. Sheltie puppies are well equipped for winter, with thick coats, puppy fat, and a love of yellow snow cones.

56. Bentley is delighted that his stand-up comedy tour is going so well, and can't wait to record his Netflix special.

57. Levi is a blue merle Sheltie, demonstrating the remarkable phenotype of white factoring.

58. Glory is just 4 weeks old. At this age, Sheltie puppies have just learned to walk as well as poop outside their sleeping area.

59. Kenzie loves Halloween. On an unrelated note, here she is demonstrating her penchant for dressing up scary pumpkins because they look funny.

60. Razzle is proud of the fact that he can fit into the palm of your hand. Although he notes that, as he grows, he will require a series of increasingly larger hands.

61. Sketchy thinks it's Christmas, which it isn't, or it is, depending on when you're reading this. Which may, or may not, make Sketchy a total goofball.

62. Arthur is still getting used to this leash thing, and respectfully inquires as to whether you could switch roles.

63. This Sheltie puppy has just become the Queen of her own Queendom. Her first order of business is to be extraordinarily cute for a bit.

64. Billy is making friends with a diminutive cow by letting her sniff his furry little butt.

65. Lailah has just woken from a dream where she was an Archaeopteryx. She doesn't know what an Archaeopteryx is, but at least now she knows what it smells like.

66. Abby thinks the world is a strange place, and wants to know why some Shelties have no fur and walk on two legs.

67. Iwin is being ridiculously cute. Ridiculously! It makes me want to stop everything I'm doing and snuggle in his fluffle.

68. Anna Kira has astounding bilateral symmetry, inside and out. I haven't fact-checked the inside part, but I'd count on it.

69. Howard is pretending to look forlorn, but only to trick you into snuggling him in bed so he can steal your pillow.

70. Milo may look small, but he has the strength of ten men. That is, if you were to put ten men under his direct command.

71. Daisy is deep in thought. Moments after this photo was taken, she rolled over, yipped, and started chasing her own tail. Because that's how puppies do.

72. Fred delights in his human name, underlining the fact that he is a distinguished gentleman of the highest order. Just look at his butt fluff.

73. Aria and Sanza may look like they're sleeping, but are in fact demonstrating how sheep jump over one another in springtime.

74. Mayci has so much fluff, she even has some to spare. Would you like some? Here's some for your bed. You're more than welcome.

75. Levi may look like he's posing for his breeder, but is actually developing a counterargument to Aristotle's knowledge of immaterial being.

76. Alex is pooped after all that dashing. Also, he has pooped. Over there, just behind the couch. You probably want to deal with that at some point.

77. Jimmy wants to go to drama school. Either that, or become a mechanic. He's good with his paws, but then again, he's also deeply expressive.

78. Sheltie puppies excel at folding themselves into comfortable sleeping postures in any environment.

79. Skylar is happy and full of beans. No, literally. He got into the pantry earlier and figured out how to use a can opener.

80. Did you know Sheltie puppies are bipedal? They're supposed to wait until you're not looking, but this Sheltie knows such rules are made to be broken.

81. Charlie is loving his new home, as well as getting to know his big brother Monty, and he wants to be just like him when he grows up.

82. Gunner finds hats wildly distracting. He's not sure whether he wants to eat them or wear them, but they do look tasty.

83. Homer has the ears of a fennec fox, and perhaps some of the ancestry, which makes him startlingly cunning.

84. Louie, seen here at 6 weeks old, has a lot to learn about life, the universe, and everything. Maybe he will create a supercomputer to decode the answer?

85. There it is again, that deliberately cute puppy pose. I can only assume they practice it in the womb, making Sheltie ultrasounds utterly glorious.

86. A rare photo of a Sheltie eating the backside of a lion. Usually they go for the underbelly.

87. Riley has a gift for you. It's a little slobbery, but you don't mind. As the saying goes, it's not the slobber that counts, it's the puppy that gives it to you.

88. Gracie, what are you wearing on your head? Is it a leaf? If so, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that is a very lucky leaf.

89. Misty Moon has, without doubt, the cutest name I've ever heard. And it's entirely befitting.

90. Miles is practising for his upcoming visit to the hair salon. Because, as we can relate all too well, it's terribly annoying to get fluff in your fluff.

91. Billy would love to sleep on your foot, but in its absence will make do with your very comfortable shoe.

92. Daemon can't believe you're going to give him a bath when he spent all last week licking himself clean.

93. Yasi is Daemon's sister, and is delighted her bath isn't due for another month.

94. Nessie rides in luxury, stretching her little paws as far as the eye can see. Which is not very far at all when you're a tiny Sheltie puppy.

95. Reese doesn't know what day it is. He doesn't even know what year it is. But that's okay, Reese. Calendars are just a man-made construct.

96. Reese got bigger! Here he is with his best friend, Riley, holding paws in a completely natural manner as all dogs do.

97. Juke is delightfully content and would like to know if the snow can come round to his house to play later.

98. Jesse wants to know where her other three socks are and if you would help put them on because she has no opposable thumbs.

99. Connor is visiting the vet here, blissfully unaware that there are twelve cats in the next room.

100. Freddy thinks you have sausages over there. Do you? Because that would be very nice for him. Very nice indeed.

101. Howard is a classic nibbler. He understands you're made of meat, so what logical argument is there not to eat you? None, that's what.
Final Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed the bonanza of Sheltie puppies. If you're searching for a puppy, browse our directory of Shetland Sheepdog breeders. Please also consider adopting a Sheltie in need of a forever home.
If you're about to take on a Sheltie, make sure you have everything you need before you bring your furball home. See my new puppy checklist for details.

How to Groom a Sheltie

The Best Brushes for Shelties

How to Clean Your Dog's Teeth

20 Things You Need for a New Puppy

Caring for a Sheltie

101 Sheltie Names

The Sheltie FAQ

How to Stop Aggression in Shelties

Why Do Dogs Smile?